A. MOENS (Canada) In February, the Institute of the United States and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted a Russian-Canadian scientific conference on "Problems of State and socio-economic development of Afghanistan". Among all the donor countries that provide assistance to Afghanistan, Canada came in 2nd place after the United States. This gave Canada the opportunity to review the fundamentals of foreign policy, including defense, and to step up its foreign policy activities in the world. It is no coincidence that this conference was held in Moscow on the initiative of Ottawa. It was opened by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of the USA and Canada S. Rogov. Canadian Ambassador to Russia Ralph Lisishin and Afghan Ambassador to Russia Zalmay Aziz reviewed the situation and military-political situation in Afghanistan. The report "Afghanistan and the revolution in Canadian foreign Policy", which attracted particular interest of the conference participants, was delivered by Professor Alexander Moens of Simon Fraser University (Ottawa), an abbreviated version of which we offer to our readers. The war on terrorism after September 11, 2001 was the starting point in Canada's foreign policy, and Afghanistan was the turning point. The war in Afghanistan has a gradual and consistent impact on many aspects of Canadian politics, including the transition of its foreign policy from the concept of global security to the fight against insurgency in southern Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan has resurrected Canada's military and led to an increase in the military budget. Canada's commitment to an effort-and energy-intensive operation in Afghanistan has also been an attempt to restore a frosty relationship with the United States, and efforts to contribute to the fight against terrorism are encouraged by Washington and help mitigate the consequences of Canada's withdrawal from the Iraq War. The revolution in Canadian forei ... Read more

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