Discovery: there is no antimatter in nature
Discovery: there is no antimatter in nature Quantum theory finally realized that vacuum is not an absolute void, but a sea of ​​virtual particles. And even those particles that are born at colliders are already particles “wrapped” in a virtual fur coat. In our opinion, this coat is formed by the gravitational field of the Earth. And most of the particles that make up gravitational fields are gravitons - particles with the smallest mass of all particles. The proton is formed by the rotational form of gravity, when the positron envelops itself with a huge number of graviton spheres, increasing its mass, turns into a proton. Each proton-positron in the neutron shell is opposed by its own electron. Each proton-positron in the shell of the nucleus of an atom has its own electron. Physicists dubbed the positron antimatter, not understanding either the structure of the neutron or the structure of the atom. An electron and a positron are equally involved in the formation of matter.  And the fact that some substances (carbon-11, nitrogen-13, fluorine 18) spontaneously emit positrons proves that positrons are involved in the formation of matter. Antimatter does not exist in nature. And this is natural because matter has mass, and mass has gravity. And antimatter must possess anti-mass and anti-gravity, which was never observed by anyone, anywhere.   Открытие: антивещества в природе не существует Квантовая теория, наконец, осознала, что вакуум – это не абсолютная пустота, а море виртуальных частиц. И даже те частицы, которые рождаются на коллайдерах, – это уже частицы, «укутанные» в виртуальную шубу. На наш взгляд, эта шуба образована гравитационным полем Земли. И большинство частиц, образующих гравитационные поля, это гравитоны – частицы с наименьшей, из всех частиц, массой.   Протон формируется посредством вращательного вида гравитации, когда позитрон окутывает себя огромным количеством гравитонных сфер, увеличивающих его массу, превращается в протон. Каждому протону-позитро ... Read more

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Discovery: there is no antimatter in nature

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