It is well known that monasteries were in the past the center of culture, and according to the documents stored there, you can study the history of the state. The Nikolo-Karelian Monastery is an example of this. S. F. Ogorodnikov in his" Essay on the history of the town of Arkhangelsk in commercial and industrial terms " confidently calls 1410 the date of the monastery's foundation, but most researchers focus on 1419, the date of the first chronicle mention of the monastery associated with the Scandinavian raid. By the way, who they were is not known for certain. One thing is obvious: agreeing with the opinion that "it takes at least 20 to 30 years for a well - equipped monastic monastery to appear, especially in the harsh conditions of the Far North", page 88 the foundation of the monastery can be attributed approximately to the end of the XIV-beginning of the XV century (Klimov A. I., Lizunov P. V. Heavenly patrons of the city. Arkhangelsk, 1998). Very scanty information about the founder of the monastery - St. Euthymius. It is known that he was an "educator of Korel", "lived among the "Korel children" on the Summer Beach and "enlightened" them, that is, converted them to Christianity " (Shmigelsky L. Roll call of times // Severodvinsk: Strength testing. Severodvinsk, 1998). Legend claims that it was he who brought an ancient shrine to the monastery - the icon of St. Nicholas of the Sea, and after the Scandinavian ruin in 1419, together with the monks, restored the monastery. Neither the place from which Euthymius came to the Karelian coast, nor the date of his birth is unknown, and the date of his death is called by researchers approximately 1435. The history of the monastery is closely connected with the name of the famous Novgorod posadnitsa Marfa Boretskaya, which is mentioned in numerous historical documents, as well as in the works of modern researchers. At present, the surviving documents of the Nikolo-Karelian Monastery are in the archives of Moscow, St. P ... Read more

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