Libmonster ID: UK-229

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1. Benevich Gr. Мать Сыра-Земля и геополитика (свертывание плоскостей Федора Достоевского) // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2001. Vol. 2. P. 3 - 13.

2. Blumenkrants M. Эсхатологическая проблема в творчестве Ф. М. Достоевского // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2001. Vol. 2. P. 15 - 20.

3. Boyce Gibson A. The Religion of Dostoevski. London, 1973.

4. Boyce Gibson A. The Riddle of the Grand Inquisitor // Melbourne Slavonic Studies. 1970. N 4. P. 46 - 56.

5. Christa B. "Money Talks": The Semiotic Anatomy of "Krotkaia" // Dostoevsky Studies. 2000. N 4. P. 143 - 151.

6. Christa B. Dostoevskii and Money // The Cambridge Companion to Dostoevskii / Ed. W.J. Leatherbarrow. Cambridge, 2002. P. 93 - 110.

7. Christa B. Raskolnikov's Wardrobe: Dostoevsky's Use of Vestimentary Markers for Literary Communication in "Crime and Punishment" // Dostoevsky on the Threshold of Other Worlds: Essays in Honour of Malcolm V. Jones / Eds. S. Young and L. Milne. Ilkeston, Derbyshire, 2006. P. 14 - 20.

8. Christa B. The Semiotic Depiction of Disintegration of Personality in Dostoevsky's "The Double" // XXI vek glazami Dostoevskogo - perspektivy chelovechestva: materialy Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, sostoiavsheisia v Universitete Tiba (Iaponiia), 22 - 25 avgusta 2000 goda / Ed. K. Stepaman. Moskva, 2002. S. 221 - 250.

9. Christa B. Vestimentary Markers as an Element of Literary Communication in "The Brothers Karamazov" // "Die Bruder Karamasow": Dostojewskijs letzter Roman in heutiger Sicht. Dresden, 1997. S.89 - 103.

10. Cope J. Shaking off the Old Skin: The Redemptive Motif in Ellison's "Invisible Man" and Dostoevsky's "Notes from the Underground" // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2006. Vol. 7. P. 75 - 91.

11. Fateeva N.A. Действительно ли Достоевский диалогичен? (о диалогичности и интертекстуальности "Отчаяния") //The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2001. Vol. 2. P. 119 - 135.

стр. 474

12. Fusso S. "Secrets of Art" and "Secrets of Kissing": Towards a Poetics of Sexuality in Dostoevskii // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2002/2003. Vol. 3 - 4. P. 47 - 58.

13. Gelhard D. Das Prinzip der Partizipation am fremden Text in Dostoevskijs "Bobok" // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2000. Vol. 1. P. 113 - 122.

14. Gerigk H. -J. Versuch tiber Dostoevskijs "Jungling": Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des Romans. Munchen, 1965 (Forum Slavicum; Bd. 4 / Ed. D. Tschizewskij).

15. Grishin D. The Beliefs of Dostoevsky. Melbourne, 1963 (Twentieth Century; 1963; Vol. 17).

16. Grishin D. V. Афоризмы и высказывания Достоевского. Melbourne, 1961.

17. Katsman R. Dostoevsky's "A Raw Youth": Mythopoesis as the Dialectics of Absence and Presence (From Capital to Writing) // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2000. Vol. 1. P. 85 - 95.

18. Kholodov A.B. Мифопоэтика романов Ф. М. Достоевского: диалог и контекст // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2001. Vol. 2. P. 137 - 147.

19. Kravchenko M. Dostoevsky and the Psychologists. Amsterdam, 1978.

20. Lane D. A Reading of Dostoevsky's "The Double" through the Psychoanalytic Concepts of The Self and The Other // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2005. Vol. 5. P. 1 - 11.

21. Mathews P.D. That Which Exceeds // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2002/2003. Vol. 3-4. P. 67 - 78.

22. Mathews P., Cooke B. Dostoevsky: Expressions in Silence // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2000. Vol. 1. P. 1 - 9.

23. Melbourne Slavonic Studies. Dostoevsky Commemorative Number / Ed. S. B. Vladiv. 1980. N 14. 100 p.

24. Minney P. Dostoevsky's Dialogic Imagination and the British School of Radical Orthodoxy // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2001. Vol. 2. P. 55 - 61.

25. Nogovitsin O. Зло в христианстве и бунт Ивана Карамазова // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2001. Vol. 2. P. 63 - 72.

26. Padgett A. Beyond Dostoevsky: The Discourse of Non-Existence // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2002/2003. Vol. 3 - 4. P. 79 - 91.

27. Rusniak L. A. Мифологическое мышление в диалогической структуре текста Достоевского ("Братья Карамазовы") // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2001. Vol. 2. P. 73 - 85.

28. Saraskina L. V. Ф. М. Достоевский и "восточный вопрос" // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2001. Vol. 2. P. 87 - 102.

29. Schmid W. Der Textaufbau in den Erzahlungen Dostoevskijs. Munchen, 1973 (Beiheft zu Poetica; h. 10 / Ed. K. Maurer).

стр. 475

30. Stepanian K. A. Смерть и воскресение, бытие и небытие в романах Достоевского // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2001. Vol. 2. P. 103 - 117.

31. Stuchebryukhova O. The Subaltern Syndrome and Dostoevsky's Quest for Authenticity of Being // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2005. Vol. 5. P. 13 - 32.

32. Terrell N. Soap Bubbles and Inertia: The Underground Man's Dependence on Rhetoric, Narrative Frameworks and Scepticism as a Syndrome of Secular Idealism // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2006. Vol. 7. P. 1 - 29.

33. The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review/Ed. S.M. Vladiv-Glover. 2000. Vol. 1. 166 p. (Inaugural Issue.)

34. The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review / Ed. S.M. Vladiv-Glover. 2001. Vol. 2. 152 p. (Special Issue: Dostoevsky and the Problem of Dialogue in Contemporary European Thought / Guest Ed. N. Pecherskaya).

35. The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review/Ed. S.M. Vladiv-Glover. 2002/2003. Vol. 3 - 4. 228 p.

36. The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review /Ed. S.M. Vladiv-Glover. 2005. Vol. 5. 216 p.

37. The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review / Ed. S. M. Vladiv-Glover. 2005. Vol. 6. 109 p.

38. The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review / Ed. S. M. Vladiv-Glover. 2006. Vol. 7. 106 p.

39. The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review / Ed. S.M. Vladiv-Glover. 2007/2008. Vol. 8 - 9. 89 p.

40. The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review / Ed. S.M. Vladiv-Glover. 2009/2010. Vol. 10 - 11. 104 p.

41. The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review/Ed. S.M. Vladiv-Glover. 2011/2012. Vol. 12 - 13. 155 p.

42. Vladiv S. B. Dostoevsky's Major Novels as Semiotic Models // Dostoevsky Studies. 1989. Vol. 9. P. 157 - 162.

43. Vladiv S.B. Narrative Principles in Dostoevskij's "Besy": A Structural Analysis. Berne; Frankfurt am Mein; Las Vegas, 1979.

44. Vladiv S. Religious Imagery in Dostoevsky's Works // Australian Slavonic and East European Studies. 1988. Vol. 2. N 2. P. 95 - 110.

45. Vladiv-Glover S.M. Dostoevsky, Freud and Parricide: Deconstructive Notes on "The Brothers Karamazov" // New Zealand Slavonic Journal. 1993. P. 7 - 34.

46. Vladiv-Glover S.M. Dostoevsky's Major Novels as Models of Meaning // Dostoevsky Studies (Journal of the International Dostoevsky Society). 1989. Vol. 9. N 1. P. 157 - 162.

47. Vladiv-Glover S. M. Dostoevsky's Positively Beautiful Man and the Existentialist Authentic Self: A Comparison // Canadian American Slavic Studies. 1989. Vol. 23. N 3 (Fall 1989). P. 313 - 329.

стр. 476

48. Vladiv-Glover S. M. Romani Dostojevskog kao diskurs transgresijc i pozude. Belgrade, 2001. 215 p.

49. Vladiv-Glover S. M. Russia's Political Unconscious in "The Possessed": Dostoevsky's New Phenomenology of History and Representation // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2000. Vol. 1. P. 11 - 28.

50. Vladiv-Glover S. M. Сакральное в "Братьях Карамазовых": вероисповедание или феноменология сознания? // Достоевский и мировая культура: Альманах. 1999. Т. 12. С. 7 - 12.

51. Vladiv-Glover S.M. Speech and Being in "The Brothers Karamazov" // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2002/2003. Vol. 3 - 4. P. 93 - 112.

52. Vladiv-Glover S.M. The Accidental Family in "The Adolescent" and Wittgenstein's "Family Relations": The Novel as Model of Meaning // Aspects of Dostoevsky's Poetics in the Context of Literary-Cultural Dialogues / Eds. K. Kroo, G.S. Horvath, T. Szabo. Sankt-Petersburg, 2011. P. 59 - 74. (Dostoevsky Monographs Series; Vol. 3).

53. Vladiv-Glover S. M. The Body and Violence: The Subject of Knowledge in Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov" // Foucault: The Legacy / Ed. by С O'Farrell. Brisbane, 1997. P. 46 - 57.

54. Vladiv-Glover S.M. The Bourgeois and Citizen Alyosha Karamazov // Australian Slavonic and East European Studies (ASEES). 1996. Vol. 10. N2. P. 165 - 167.

55. Vladiv-Glover S.M. Poetika realizma: Dostojevski, Flober, Tolstoj / Transl. into Serbian. Belgrade, 2010. 182 p.

56. Vladiv-Glover S.M. Tolstoy's Mikhailov, The Painter of Anna's Portrait, and Constatin Guys, Baudelaire's Painter of Modern Life // Facta Universitatis. Series Linguistics and Literature. 2005. Vol. 3. N 2. P. 151 - 160.

57. Vladiv-Glover S.M. What Does Ivan Karamazov "Know"? A Reading through Foucault's Analytic of the "Clinical" Gaze // Polyfunktion und Metaparodie: Aufsatze zum 175. Geburtstag von Fedor Michailovic Dostojevskij / Ed. R. Neuhauser. Dresden; Munchen, 1998. S. 189 - 207. (Dostoevsky Studies Supplements; Vol. 1).

58. Vladiv-Glover S. M. What Does Ivan Karamazov "Know"? A Reading through Foucault's Analytic of the "Clinical" Gaze // New Zealand Slavonic Journal. 1995. P. 23 - 44.

59. Woodford M. Комментарий к сну главного героя в рассказе Ф. М. Достоевского "Господин Прохарчин" // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2001. Vol. 2. P. 21 - 36.

60. Zhivolupova N. V Другой в художественном сознании Достоевского и проблема эволюции исповеди антигероя // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2001. Vol. 2. P. 37 - 53.

61. Zink A. What is Prostitution Good for: Dostoevsky, Chernyshevsky, Tolstoy and the "Woman Question" in Russian Literature // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2006. Vol. 7. P. 93 - 106.

стр. 477

62. Гришин Д. В. "Дневник писателя" Достоевского. Мельбурн, 1966.

63. Гришин Д. В. Ранний Достоевский. Мельбурн, б. д. 230 с.

64. Гришин Д. Достоевский: Человек - Писатель и Мифы. Мельбурн, 1971.

65. Живолупова Н. Исповедь антигероя: от Достоевского к Михаилу Агееву (проблема жанра) // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2002/2003. Vol. 3 - 4. P. 1 - 30.

66. Кайман Р. Между Письмом и Документом, или Критические Заметки о Жизни Знаков в "Подростке" Достоевского // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2002/2003. Vol. 3 - 4. P. 59 - 66.

67. Тарасова Н. А. Проблема установления текста "Дневника писателя" Ф. М. Достоевского 1876 г. // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2002/2003. Vol. 3 - 4. P. 31-45.

68. Тарасова Н. А. Проблема понимания в герменевтике и текстологии (на материале рукописей Достоевского) // The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review. 2005. Vol. 5. P. 33 - 46.


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С. ВЛАДИВ-ГЛОВЕР, ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ТВОРЧЕСТВА ДОСТОЕВСКОГО В АВСТРАЛИИ (1971-2013) // London: British Digital Library (ELIBRARY.ORG.UK). Updated: 03.12.2017. URL:ИЗУЧЕНИЕ-ТВОРЧЕСТВА-ДОСТОЕВСКОГО-В-АВСТРАЛИИ-1971-2013 (date of access: 14.12.2024).

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