The "narrative turn" that took place in the humanities at the beginning of the twenty-first century served as a catalyst for turning fiction into a laboratory for testing human reality, a "probe for exploring both real and possible worlds" 1, a "testing ground for various concepts of philosophical, cultural, sociological-and even scientific-natural nature"2. In this regard, the ability to perform a philological analysis of a literary text is of particular importance.
However, is there a universal method of such analysis that is equally applicable to all works of art created today? The answer to this question is provided by the monograph of Ph. D. N. S. Naidenova "Linguostylistic analysis of an ethnospecific artistic text: a comparative study "(Moscow, Flint: Nauka, 2014, 344 p), devoted to a comparative study of the language of artistic works created in French and Spanish outside the historical and geographical boundaries of their initial distribution, namely in sub-Saharan Africa.
Relying on extensive illustrative material, the author convincingly shows that the literature of these African countries is based on ancient and very peculiar cultural traditions, and therefore its understanding requires a very special preparation from the researcher. A full-fledged analysis of such works is possible only by using the tools of a number of humanities (philology, literary studies, textual studies, cultural studies, philosophy), the synthesis of which is the basis for the development of the original complex methodology for analyzing ethnospecific literary texts proposed by N. S. Naidenova.
The monograph demonstrates a fundamentally new perspective of research in Russian science - a cross-border approach to the study of artistic literature. The results of the study vividly and comprehensively show the current cycle of inter-literary values. African literature turns out to be like the two-faced centaur: it simultaneously appeals to oral tradition and novelistic practices borrowed from the West, which are undergoing creative processing. The category of intertextuality also shows a multi-layered character: writers introduce elements of both masterpieces of world literature and works of African novelists into their works.
The author analyzes in detail the texts of novels written by contemporary African writers (A. Kuruma, A. Mabanku, A. Lopez, M. Nsue Angue, H. F. Siale Jangani, etc.), which are widely known to the Western reader, but are not covered in Russian science at all. The monograph deals in detail with linguistic strategies for creating literary texts in the context of multilingualism. At the same time, language resources are revealed as expressive means of language and genre-compositional features of literary texts. A separate section is devoted to the artistic space and time created by African writers and turns out to be multi-vector and polycentric.
Postmodern categories are successfully extrapolated by the author to postcolonial literature, thus revealing their inseparable connection in the modern conditions of decentralisation of world spaces, accompanied by cultural non-rootedness and, at the same time, opening up opportunities for acquiring new multidimensional experience. Such an analysis makes it possible "to trace the evolution of cultural heroes of modern times who occupy an intermediate position between several ethnic groups, civilizations, mentalities and traditions" 3.
The research presented by N. S. Naidenova can arouse interest not only among linguists, but also among specialists in the field of philosophy and sociology, as well as literary studies, and the proposed methodology is applicable to the analysis of the latest literature created in other languages that have gone beyond their historical existence.
N. G. MED, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Romance Philology, Faculty of Philology, Saint Petersburg State University
Brockmeyer J., Harre R. 1 Narrative: Problems and promises of one alternative paradigm / / Voprosy filosofii. 2000. N 3, pp. 29-42.
Il'in I. P. 2 Postmodernism // Literary Encyclopedia of terms and concepts, Moscow, Intelvak, 2001, pp. 764-766. (Il'in I. P. Postmodernism / / 2001. Literaturnaya enciklopediya terminov i ponyatiy. M.) (in Russian)
Naydenova N. S. 3 Lingvostilisticheskiy analiz etnospecifichogo khudozhestvennogo teksta: sopostavitelnoe issledovanie. M. Lingvostilisticheskiy analiz etnospecifichogo khudozhestvennogo teksta: sopostavitelnoe issledovanie. M. (in Russian)
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