EVENTS IN NORTH AFRICA AND THE REST OF THE WORLD THROUGH THE EYES OF POLITICAL SCIENTISTS FROM THE CIS COUNTRIES Keywords: Arab revolutions and forecasts of CIS experts Events in the North African states are far from over, and political scientists continue to discuss their origins and possible impact on the region, on the political and economic situation around the world. The Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry's CCI-Inform news agency hosted a round table on "Developments in the Middle East: Causes and Prospects". There were not many participants - only six. But they represented public organizations of five CIS countries specializing in political forecasts. This gave a special flavor to the discussion, as they all viewed the situation in North Africa through the prism of their countries ' historical experience, whether willingly or unwittingly. The round table meeting was attended by: - Sevak Sarukhanyan, Deputy Director of the Noravank National Public Foundation, and Sergey Sargsyan, Deputy Director of the Armenian Center for Political Studies (Armenia); -Head of the information and analytical Internet project "Empire", head of the organizing committee of the movement "For the Union of Belarus and Russia", Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Yuri Baranchik (Belarus); - Head of the analytical center "Reasonable Solutions", Candidate of Historical Sciences Essen Usubaliyev (Kyrgyzstan); - Head of the Center for Strategic Assessments and Forecasts, Doctor of Technical Sciences Sergey Grinyaev (Russia); - Political analyst of the information and analytical weekly "Rush Hour" Vladislav Gulevich (Ukraine). The "round table" was held in a not quite usual, as they say now, "format". Participants were asked to answer five pre-set questions. These were the answers. 1. How do you assess recent developments in North Africa and their impact on the political and economic situation in the rest of the world? How do they respond in your countries? Sergey Sarukhanyan: The even ... Read more

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