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An absolute monarchy is built on the will of one person. Sic volo, sic jubeo. Tel est mOn bon plaisir (1*). One rules, the others obey. The will of the autocrat may even diverge from the will of the nation. Today, there is still a vestige of absolute monar …
"Eternal Peace", signed on May 18, 1595 in d. Tyavzine 1 was an important milestone in the history of Russian-Swedish relations. With this treaty, Russia and Sweden formalized the results of the Livonian War. According to the treaty, Russia was forced to a …
In the 17th century, Russia and Sweden enjoyed vibrant economic ties that go back to ancient times. Both countries traded directly with each other. Russian merchants, showing business activity, made trips to Stockholm, which was the main center of trade be …
M. Politizdat. 1975. 295 pp. Circulation of 50,000 copies. Price 1 rub. 23 kopecks.
Several serious studies are devoted to the participation of Latvian riflemen in the socialist revolution in Russia and the defense of its gains. Therefore, it is important …
Interest in North American colleges (the very first of them turned 340 years old) it is explained by the fact that even in the colonial period, the enlightenment and intellectual thought of the United States were born. The independent republic inherited a …
История ветеринарии
генерал-майор ветеринарной службы запаса В.П.ВЕТРОВ,
Начальник ветеринарно-санитарной службы ВС РФ (1989 -1998 гг.)
Заслуженный ветеринарный врач Российской Федерации,
профессор Академии военных на …
Miroshnik I.M. Method of Psychical Coordination and Synesthesia Phenomenon, Moscow — Kharkov//THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Synesthesia: Commonwealth of Senses and Synthesis of Arts”. Kazan, 3-8 November 2008.
SUMMARY: The new scientific approach unlike f …
Москва 2012
Светлой памяти мамы Щербаковой Валентины Константиновны и
Ветровой (Тарасовой) Галины Владимировны посвящается
От редактора
С Виталием Петровичем Ветровым, по всему, жизнь свела неслучайно. С января 2008 года волею судьбы мне дове …
Scientific Practical Center for Modernization of Psychological Help by Irina M.Miroshnik's System, Moscow, Russian Federation,
State Organization of the Republic of Crimea "Sanatorium name N.K. …
Записи Пушкина о своих денежных расчетах трогательны. Он вел счет своей творческой продукции, фиксируя написанное им количество строк в произведении. В журналах тогда ему платили по 4 или 5 рублей за каждую строку, а в изданных книгах - в нес …
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