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By Vasia P. · 2846 days ago
By Vasia P. · 3750 days ago
The Libmonster World Library Network is now also available in Kyrgyzstan. The Library of Kyrgyzstan is available to authors and readers at library.kg. Publications posted in the Network's Kyrgyz branch will be delivered to libraries in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan within an hour, and to other national branches of Libmonstr within a few days.
595 days ago
The international network of Libmonster was enlarged by another "pearl of the East": on June 17, 2023 the Library of Uzbekistan, biblio.uz, began its work. The library's collection already includes unique materials on the history, economy and law of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Authors from Uzbekistan can create their collections in a few clicks and publish articles, books, photo documents and other files dedicated to their native country.
611 days ago
Since May 17, 2023, Libmonster has moved to a new version of the site - 1.5.
642 days ago
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