The second edition of "Essays on the History of Islamic Civilization" was presented at the RIA Novosti press center. This collective monograph in 2 volumes, published by the Russian Political Encyclopedia publishing House (ROSSPEN) in 2008, is a continuation of many years of complex work under the general supervision of Yuri Mikhailovich Kobishchanov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Chief Researcher at the Institute of Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A large international team of representatives from seven countries (Russia, Great Britain, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Estonia and Malaysia) and ten cities - from London to Dushanbe, from Tallinn to Konya in Turkey, and of course from Moscow, Kazan and Ufa - worked on the creation of this unique book for more than 15 years. There are about 30 authors in total (historians-orientalists, lawyers, philologists, art historians, musicologists, etc.), almost all are doctors and candidates of sciences, most of them are well - known specialists in their fields of science. In terms of the level and breadth of coverage of the topic, there are no analogues of such work either in Russia or in other countries. This two-volume publication has received a certain resonance in the scientific world. Most recently, it was awarded two high awards-a UNESCO diploma in the category " Best publication that makes a significant contribution to the dialogue of cultures "and a diploma of the Association of Book Publishers of Russia as a laureate of the 2008 contest"Best Books of the Year". One of the goals of this project is to introduce Russians, including Muslims and Christians, to the history of the great Islamic civilization, its influence on Northern Eurasia - Russia (especially the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia and the Caucasus) and other regions of the world. Each of the two volumes contains a group of chapters devoted to architecture and art, with illustrations. The collective monograph presents an interesting political and ... Read more

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