KHANA, HURRI-HANIGALBAT AND KASSITE BABYLONIA IN THE XVI century BC (on the history of the" dark " age of ancient Mesopotamia)
The article is devoted to the interaction of the Middle Euphrates Khana, Babylonia and their northern neighbor, the Hurrian Hanigalbat in the XVI century BC. The author comes to the following conclusions: around 1600, the Khana was part of Babylonia, then, with the fall of the Hammurabi dynasty in 1595 and the seizure of the Babylonian throne by the Kassites, it separated and formed an independent Amorite kingdom, and around 1560 it was occupied by the Hurrian dynasties of Hanigalbat. After the capture of the Hanigalbat throne by the new, "Indo-Aryan" Mitannic dynasties (c. 1550), the old rulers of Hanigalbat remained for some time in Khan, which was annexed by the Mitannians only by the end of the XVI century. The fate of the famous statue of Marduk, taken by the Hittites from Babylon in 1595, is discussed anew in this connection and restored as follows: for about 25 years it was in Hatti, then it was captured by the Hurrians of Hanigalbat, and the new, "Mitannian" dynasty of the latter returned it to Babylon. In this paper, we would like to demonstrate new possibilities for reconstructing the Mesopotamian history of the "dark" period of the 16th century BC. These possibilities are partly due to recent discoveries at Khan on the Middle Euphrates 1, and partly due to the reinterpretation of some important sources proposed below. By the 1970s, fairly detailed "political portraits" of Mesopotamia from around 1650 and 1500 BCE had been developed, and the difference between them was large enough to indicate a real geopolitical upheaval .2 In the mid-17th century, Lower Mesopotamia was dominated by the Babylonian kingdom of the Hammurabi dynasty, while Upper Mesopotamia was divided between two powers: the Amorite kingdom of Khan on the Middle Euphrates and the Hurrian union known as "Hurri" and "Hanigalbat", to the north of it. At the same time, it has long been established that it was in the Khan's kingdom that a group of Kassite aliens lived since the XVIII century, ru ... Read more

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KHANA, HURRI-HANIGALBAT AND KASSITE BABYLONIA IN THE XVI century BC (on the history of the" dark " age of ancient Mesopotamia)

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