Criticism and bibliography. REVIEWS New York: CASSELL, 2000. 198 p.* (c) 2002 The book by Somali novelist Nuruddin Farah was published two years after he was awarded the Neustadt International Prize for Literature, which many consider the second most prestigious after the Nobel Prize. N. Farah, as the first African writer to receive this award, was named in the New York Times book review for 1999. "the most outstanding African short story writer of the last 25 years" 1 . Farah was born in 1945 in Somalia. Following the release in 1992 of his trilogy, Variations on the Theme of African Dictatorship, in which he exposes the corruption of Somali dictator General Siyad Barre, he was persecuted and even tried to kill. He became persona non grata at home. His novels, written in English and banned in Somalia, were illegally translated into Somali and memorized - not without reason that Somalis are called the "nation of poets". The book under review is written in the now popular genre of "life story", a nonfiction novel. The main part of it consists of the revelations of Somalis in the diaspora. The work on the novel took several years, although all the interviews were collected quite quickly. The author saw his main task in trying to develop an objective assessment * Nuruddin Farah. Yesterday, tomorrow (voices of the Somali diaspora). New York: CASSELL, 2000. 198 p. page 179 what is happening in the world of refugees and immigrants and bring the views of all parties. The book, written by a Somali about Somalis, allows readers to see the inner side of the life of the Somali diaspora, which is somewhat different from what international organizations and the media are talking about and writing about. Farah describes the life of the Somali diaspora in Italy, Britain, Sweden and Switzerland. The first two countries were once the "masters" of Somalia, the other two - became a haven for numerous refugees from African countries, including Somalia. Farah begins each chapter with t ... Read more

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