In the year of the 65th anniversary of the atomic bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 2010, the book "Children of Hiroshima" was published in Moscow.: The Appeal of the boys and girls of Hiroshima" (comp. A. Osada, translated from Japanese by M. A. Kirichenko, author's preface by A. A. Kirichenko, Moscow, Printed Traditions, 2010, 336 p.). This book, titled "Children of the Atomic Bomb" ("Gambaku no ko"), was first published in Japan in 1951. Since then, it has been translated into many languages around the world (Norwegian, Danish, German, English, Finnish, Chinese, Swedish, Korean, Vietnamese) and published in many countries. Now this heartfelt document about the tragedy experienced by Japanese children who witnessed and were victims of the first atomic bombing in history is available to the Russian reader. One of the main contributions to the Russian edition of the book was made by two people: Maria Alekseevna Kirichenko, a translator from Japanese into Russian and author of notes, who managed to convey the touching and immediacy of children's stories about the collapsed mountain, who delicately commented on Japanese realities and told about the future fate of the victims of the bombing-the authors of the stories, YVES RAS, a well-known expert on the history of Japan and Russian-Japanese relations, provided the book with a foreword that reveals the background of the US decision to use atomic weapons against the civilian population of Japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Arata Osada, who miraculously survived the atomic explosion in Hiroshima, suffered many injuries and was saved by his son Goro Osada, who was then 18 years old. A. Osada , one of the most prominent representatives of the Japanese intelligentsia, was known as a liberal, democrat and pacifist. He consistently and firmly opposed the war and fascism. Since February 1941, he was a foreign employee of the Swiss State Institute for Research on the History of Education and Upbringing. Pe ... Read more

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