The protest continues and the company's founders are inviting players to participate
The day after the California suit in the state of California against Activision Blizzard was filed, World of Warcraft players organized an in-game mass protest that wow classic tbc gold was open to players to participate in. World of Warcraft has been in the top in gaming's MMO genre for more than 10 years, but the company's the owner Activision Blizzard is facing heavy scrutiny after a lawsuit filed by a state that claims workplace harassment and abuse.On the 21st of July the news broke in the press that California has filed an action in the name of Activision Blizzard for allegations including discrimination against women, sexism and other abuse on a large scale. The news of the lawsuit has been widely spread, triggering anger on a massive scale which has resulted in many passionate players demanding changes and vowing to stop playing Activision Blizzard games.World of Warcraft player Fence Macabre has organized an online protest and fundraising during the game in Oribos. The sit-in, which started on July 22nd, is designed for players who want to join together to protest the alleged unfair treatment of Activision Blizzard employees, with several players either cancelling their subscriptions or simply waiting for the remainder of their current subscriptions, before possibly leaving the game they have loved for the good. There are more players who have joined the protest and cancelling their subscriptions until "transparent permanent changes" are made within the company.The event is also an opportunity to raise money to support Black Girls CODE, a non-profit organization that teaches girls aged 7-17 about digital technology and computer programming to ensure greater representation in the tech industry in general. As of press time, the event has already raised more than $9.000. The majority of Activision Blizzard's executive management team is comprised of white males, so an organization that aims to diversify the tech industry is the right choice for World of Warcra ... Read more

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The protest continues and the company's founders are inviting players to participate

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