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1903 days ago
{p,p\') Polarization-transfer observables with polarized beams

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{p,p\') Polarization-transfer observables with polarized beams // London: British Digital Library (ELIBRARY.ORG.UK). Updated: 05.12.2019 . URL: (date of access: 19.02.2025 )

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Libmonster ID: UK-1038
Educational Institution \ Organization: St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University

eprint arXiv:1701.03582
Cornell University Library, U.S.A.
Publication Date: 01/2017

A review is given of the present knowledge of different parametrization of experimental results in inelastic scattering process with polarized proton beams. Spin observables in {p,p') and (p,p)reactions for a set of lightweight nuclei are studied at intermediate energies in the region of 100–500 MeV. Two important types of DWIA calculations are used in the analysis of experiments. Important spin observables representing the difference functions (P–Ay) and (P–Ay)σ are examined along with the polarization-transfer (spin-transfer) coefficients Dij (DNN, DSS, DLL, DLS, and DSL) in inelastic scattering of polarized protons. The above indicated value of σ is the differential cross section. These spin observables are treated in the context of the exchange features of the effective interaction. The linear combinations DK (or Di) of the complete polarization-transfer observables Dij in the (p,p')) reaction at intermediate energies are extensively demonstrated. A comparison between systematized, measured and calculated quantities of the combinations DK and, partially, σDK for the 1+ (T = 0 and T = 1) levels in 12C, for the (T = 0 and T = 1) states in 16O, and for the (T = 0 and T = 1) levels in 28Si are reported. Particularities in angular distributions of transverse- and longitudinal-spin-transfer probabilities DK for T = 0 and T = 1 unnatural-parity states in some nuclei are discussed. The spin-observable combinations Dls allowed to differentiate reliably the strength of isoscalar and isovector spin-orbit interactions. The comparison of the experimental and calculated DK for the 1+, T = 0 state in 12C with the use of zero-range treatment (LEA code) and exact finite-range calculations (DWBA-91 program) made it possible to identify the role of exchange contributions. Other observables are also considered for the same purposes.


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Polarization-transfer observables with polarized beams // London: British Digital Library (ELIBRARY.ORG.UK). Updated: 05.12.2019. URL: (date of access: 19.02.2025).

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Anatoli Plavko
St. Petersburg, Russia
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05.12.2019 (1903 days ago)
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