G. N. GOLIKOV. The Chronicle of V. I. Lenin's Life
The article surveys the first four books of a many-volume edition called "Vla'dimir Hyich Lenin. A Biographical Chronicle", prepared for publication by the CPSU Central Committee's Institute of Marxism-Leninism and printed in the period between 1970 and 1973. All the scientifically established and carefully verified facts from V. I. Lenin's life since the day of his birth on April 22 (April 10, old style), 1870, to November 7 (October 25), 1917, are brought together in this chronological record. Thousands of briefly stated facts with indication of sources confirming their authenticity illumine the biography of V. I. Lenin. Day by day, the four volumes of biographical annals trace V. I. Lenin's multifaceted activity from the period of his studies at a high school in Simbirsk to the Great October Socialist Revolution. All told, the published volumes contain several thousand new, hitherto unknown facts from the life of V. I. Lenin as well as a number of new Lenin documents (notes, synopses, resolutions, etc.).
M. S. VESELINA. On the Further Collection of Lenin's Documentary Heritage
The article analyzes the sources containing information on V. I. Lenin's documents that are still lost to us. As a matter of fact, some of this information has already been published in supplements to the many-volume edition of his Complete Works. In the process of sustained research work carried on by the CPSU Central Committee's Institute of Marxism-Leninism there accumulated additional data on V. I. Lenin's documents whose whereabouts are still unknown. They are encountered in his works, letters and other documents, in reminiscences by his contemporaries, in the correspondence by Soviet Party leaders and statesmen, in the chancelleries of the Council of People's Commissars, the Council of Labour and Defence and the various Ministries. All this information is now being collected, studied and will subsequently be arranged systematically in "A Summary List of the Manuscripts of V. I. Lenin's Works, Letters and Documents Whose Whereabouts Still Remain Unknown".
V. Z. DROBIZHEV, Y. A. POLYAKOV, Corresponding Member of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. The Population of the U.S.S.R. and the History of Soviet Society
The article substantiates the need of integrating demographic sciences, discloses the role of historical science in the solution of the tasks facing demography and the significance of demographic research for the development of historical science. Only historians can concretely reveal the socio-economic principles of the population dynamics and show the complex forms and ways in which it is influenced by socio-political developments. Only the all- round consideration of all factors of society's historical development can provide the basis for a scientific analysis of demographic changes. On the other hand, the absence of demographic materials tends to impoverish the historian's work because such important problems as migration of the population in the U.S.S.R., the size of the population in Russia as a whole and in some of its districts on the eve of the Great October Socialist Revolution, at the time of the formation of the U.S.S.R., etc., remain inadequately investigated. The authors formulate a number of propositions on the specific character of the subject of historical demography, on ways of collecting demographic sources, the methods and techniques of processing them.
L. I. LUKIN. The First Ten Years of the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance
The author highlights the conditions preceding the formation of the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance, describes the aims and principles of this organization, dwells on cooperation between the CMEA member-countries in the sphere of planning during the
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first years of the organization's existence, examines the solution of major national-economic problems by combined efforts and the coordination of the national-economic plans in the countries of the socialist community. The article analyzes the CMEA activity in the 1950's aimed at organizing scientific and technological cooperation in the sphere of foreign trade and sums up the results of the economic progress registered by the CMEA member-countries during that period.
N. A. NAROCHNITSKAYA. The U.S.A. and West Germany's "New Eastern Policy"
The article examines certain problems of interrelations between the U.S.A. and the F.R.G. resulting from the "new Eastern policy" pursued by the government of Willy Brandt. The author notes that the growing might of the U.S.S.R. and the increasing unity of the world socialist system were chiefly responsible for the fact that the F. R. G. and other capitalist countries were compelled to recognize the European realities. The contradictory attitude of the United States to the process of relaxing tensions in Europe and to the establishment of normal relations between the U.S.S.R. and the socialist countries, on the one hand, and with West Germany, on the other, reflects the difficulties involved in the adjustment of the U.S. political course to the changing alignment of forces. The article points to the growth of political realism among the more farsighted representatives of the U.S. ruling element as they become increasingly aware that the process of relaxing international tensions is irreversible. The article underscores that the Soviet Union's peaceable foreign policy is exerting a powerful influence on the character of relations maintained by the U.S.A. with West Germany and other West-European allies, and shows the impact the dialogue between the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. had on the development of the Soviet Union's relations with West Germany.
I. M. SAVELYEVA. The Contemporary Nee-Liberal Conceptions of American Trade Unionism
The article analyzes the views of the ideologists of American neo- liberalism on the character and functions of the trade union movement. The author formulates the basic principles of neo- liberal ideology: state regulation of socio-economic relations, flexible social manoeuvring and the positive view on the trade unions. Under the impact of farreaching changes in America's socio-political life, the mounting strike movement, the powerful manifestations of the Negro population and students, and due to the activization of the extreme Right and Left trends of bourgeois thought ("firm individualists" and the "New Left"), the neo-liberals in the 1960's - 1970's put forward a new conception of trade unionism. The neo-liberals' class aim consists in the striving to rely on the assistance of trade unions in implementing bourgeois-reformist programmes and at the same time preventing the possibility of their being transformed into a force capable of undermining the pillars of capitalism. By advocating the "social activity" of the trade unions, the neo-liberals are seeking to confine their political activity to the narrow bounds of the two-party system.
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