V. I. KASYANENKO. The Material and Technical Basis of Developed Socialism in the U.S.S.R.
Research into the building of the material and technical basis of developed socialism and the prospects of its gradual transformation into the material and technical basis of communism is one of the urgent and pressing problems of the history of Soviet society. The. author makes an attempt at comprehensively analyzing this process and giving a characteristic of the material and technical basis of Soviet society in the 1960's. Drawing on extensive documentary material, he examines the economic, social, scientific and technological aspects of the problem, analyzes the distinctive features attending the new stage in the development of the basis commensurate with mature socialism. Considerable attention is devoted in the article to the economic and technological policy pursued by the CPSU and the Soviet state in the period under examination. In conclusion the author makes a point of stressing that the establishment of the material and technical basis of developed socialism in the U.S.S.R. constitutes an important stage in the formation of the productive forces of Soviet society under communism.
Y. K. KIRIYENKO. Paving the Way for Another "Kornilov Revolt" on the Don
The article shows how after the defeat of the Kornilov revolt the Cossack counterrevolutionary elements headed by General Kaledin set about consolidating the reactionary forces in the Don Country and the Northern Caucasus for the struggle against the impending socialist revolution. The author examines in detail the political and military preparations for another "Kornilov revolt" to be staged by the Cossack forces on the Don and the role it was assigned to play in the plans of the internal and external counterrevolutionary forces as a major bridgehead of struggle against the revolution, graphically showing that the ignominious collapse of these plans was quite logical and historically inevitable. The article vividly describes the indefatigable efforts made by the Bolshevik Party to expose and thwart these sinister plans. The author shows that General Kaledin's anti-Soviet venture as an important component, of another "Kornilov revolt" was engineered in September-October 1917 by the upper crust of the Don Cossacks, the reactionary brass hats and the bourgeois-landlord counter-revolutionary elements encouraged and supported by international imperialism.
P. K. LUCHINSKY. Prince Demetrius Cantemir - Prominent Social and Political Leader, Scientist and Patriot
In connection with the tercentenary of the birth of Prince Demetrius Cantemir - the outstanding social and political leader of Moldavia and Russia who made an important contribution to the strengthening of friendship between the Russian and Moldavian peoples, an eminent scientist whose valuable research work greatly enriched European science and culture, the author examines the major landmarks of his political and scientific activity, notes the logical character of the Moldavian- Russian military-political alliance and underscores its significance for the historical destinies of Moldavia. Refuting the false assertions of bourgeois nationalist historiography aimed at grossly misinterpreting and denigrating the Moldavian ruler's rapprochement with Russia, the author makes it abundantly clear that Cantemir's alliance with Russia exerted a beneficent influence on his social, political and scientific activity. It was precisely in the conditions obtaining in Russia at the time of the progressive reforms introduced by Peter the Great that Prince Cantemir created his fundamental works which earned him universal recognition in Europe.
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Y. M. IVANOV. The Distinctive Features Attending the Development of Capitalism in Tropical Africa in the First Haft of the 20th Century
The article examines the connection of capitalist and commodity production engendered by the colonialists with the natural forms of economic management. This connection is illustrated by the principal methods of exploiting African peasants as seasonal labourers and small-scale commodity producers. The author makes a point of stressing that both these forms were linked with natural production. The article shows that the expansionist drive of foreign capital which promoted the development of commodity-money relations in Tropical Africa was based on the perpetuation of obsolescent relations of production in this part of the world. Developing parasitically on the pre-capitalist economic forms, foreign capital did its best to prevent the transition to new forms of production. The penetration of capitalism into this area was not accompanied by liquidating natural production and the social structure founded on it inasmuch as they provided the most essential condition and prerequisite for the existence of colonial exploitation.
V. N. VINOGRADOV. Certain Problems of the History of Rumania's Social- Democratic Party
Drawing on a number of documents relating to the history of Rumania's working- class movement, the author traces the principal stages in the development of the Social-Democratic Party in that country, emphasizing the significance of the struggle between the two principal trends - the revolutionary and the reformist - within it, illustrating the specific nature of this struggle in the concrete conditions obtaining in Rumania and the correlation of the general laws and regularities governing the development of the revolutionary movement and its local peculiarities. Considerable attention is devoted in the article to the efforts made by the Rumanian revolutionaries to establish contacts with the Bolsheviks and to gain a deeper knowledge of Lenin's teaching, to the experience of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia and its significance for Rumania in the process of establishing the Rumanian Communist Party.
D. F. MARKOV. Comparative-Historical and Integrated Methods of Research in the Social Sciences (from the experience of studying the general history and the history of culture of the peoples of Central and Southeastern Europe)
The author of the article purports to show the growing role played by the comparative-historical and integrated methods of research in the social sciences, to disclose the Marxist methodology that provides the basis for such research. The principal object of such investigations, in the author's opinion, consists in establishing the general laws governing the historical and historico-cultural process. In this connection the article poses a number of theoretical questions, attaching especial importance to the dialectical unity of the general and the particular, the international and the national-specific. The article characterizes the various types of research representing consecutive stages in the development of scientific thought - from separate, thematically unconnected collections of articles to symposiums devoted to particular problems or subjects and, lastly, to comparative-historical and comprehensive research monographs. Substantial attention is given by the author to the methods of organizing such research.
M. A. OKUNEVA. Lenin's Criticism of Reformist Trade Union Ideology and the AFT-CIO Policy in Latin America
Imperialism's unceasing attempts to bring the working-class movement in Latin America under its influence represent a new phenomenon in contemporary neo- colonialist policies: Among the various means most frequently used to achieve this purpose, particular importance attaches to reformist trade union ideology which was trenchantly criticized by V. I. Lenin.
The article graphically shows the wide-scale "trade union expansion" launched by the reactionary AFL-CIO leadership with the aim of introducing trade unionist doctrines in the working-class movement of Latin America. Its chief instrument is the American Institute for Free Labour Development, which is chiefly oriented on professional trade union leaders who mould the labour aristocracy to serve as a vehicle of influencing the entire proletariat. This "trade union expansion" on the part of the AFL-CIO is encountering mounting resistance from the progressive forces of Latin America.
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